So you want to speak at council?

Here is everything you need to know.

I’m not a great public speaker, does that matter?

Nope. This is not a Toastmasters competition, it’s a chance for everyday citizens to share their views and life experiences with council, to help inform their decision making.

I’m not an expert on urban planning, does that matter?

Again, nope. City Council has a robust planning department that provide them with expert advice. They need to hear the lived experience and insights of everyday Calgarians. You don’t need to come armed with charts and graphs and peer-reviewed sources (although you can if you want!)

How will I know when it’s my time to speak?

Unfortunately you’re not given a time, rather you’ll be assigned to a panel of about five people. You’ll need to follow the hearing to know when your panel is up. Some panels are short, some can be long so it’s hard to estimate exactly when you’ll be speaking. We will be tracking the hearing though so will be able to help.

I want to participate but can’t take the day off work, what are my options?

Of course, there is nothing more exciting than spending an entire day in council chambers waiting for your turn to speak. Unfortunately most people have jobs, kids, school or other life responsibilities that make it difficult to participate in public hearings. Luckily, you can choose to call in to the hearing rather than going in person. If you really want to present in person but can’t be there at your assigned time, you can be added to a later panel.

Keep in mind that public hearings tend to go into the evening, and can span several days. The chair of the meeting will ensure that everyone who wants to speak gets a chance.

Uh oh, I missed my panel! Am I in trouble?

Not at all, this is very common because most people are busy. If you miss your panel you can simply be added to a later panel. Just pipe up on the phone between panels, or wait for the chair to call your name again later.

I signed up to attend in person but now can’t make it! What do I do?

Just call in! You don’t need to let anyone know, just dial in shortly before your panel is up and speak up to let them know you’re on the phone when your name is called. Similarly, if you sign up to call in but happen to be in the neighbourhood when your panel is up, you can speak in person.

Can I sign up to speak at a specific day or time?

Unfortunately no. A few days before the hearing starts you’ll receive an e-mail from the City Clerks assigning you to a panel numbers, and you’ll be responsible for following along to ensure you are present or on the phone when your panel is up.

If you are unable to follow the hearing closely, we’ll be tracking it in the #live-chat channel our discord server. If you let us know which panel you’re on we can give you a heads up when your time is approaching.

I want to speak but the form is very confusing

No kidding. We made a helpful guide to walk you through the sign-up process.

I wasn’t going to speak, but I’m so inspired by the speakers that now I want to! Can I sign up late?

Yes. You can sign up right until the end of the meeting.

I want to speak but don’t know what to say!

Speak from the heart, tell your story, be polite, keep it short (maximum five minutes, but shorter is fine too).